Sid Thatham从UC校长Santa Ono手中接过奖项——2013/14学年“杰出国际
研究生”及“研 究生服务奖”。
我叫Sid Thatham,来自印度,作为一名国际学生,我在辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati,简称UC)度过了一段愉快的大学生活,这里和大家分享一下。2012年8月,我入读辛辛那提大学。在这个城市,我从未真正感受到身处异乡的陌生感,在这近三年时光,辛辛那提大学就像是我的家。和大部分国际学生一样,这是我第一次远离自己的国家,飘洋过海到他国求学。最初,各种不适曾令我感到极度不安,但是我在学校交到了很多朋友,逐步调整,很快适应新环境。从那以后,我在这里度过了令人心旷神怡的三年时光。
Sid Thatham荣获“美国高校受欢迎学生”奖项, 该奖项每年
与重建(Rise and Reimagine)。
如果您想了解更多辛辛那提大学最新动态,请查看 2015-16年辛辛那提大学国际学生中文手册。
My Experience at UC
Sid Thatham,International Student from India.
As an international student, I have had a GREAT time at the University of Cincinnati and I want to share it with you all. I remember my arrival at Cincinnati in August 2012, I never really felt out of place in this new city. For almost three years now, UC has felt like home. Like most of the international students, this was the first time I was traveling out of my home country to new place with diverse group of people. It was a little overwhelming in the beginning, but I made a lot of friends on campus and got adjusted to place in no time. Ever since then, I have had an amazing three years here.
Studying at UC has totally changed me as a person and developed me into a person I never thought I could ever be. For most international students, college education is all about job security only but we tend to forget that the importance of true college experience is to learn – not just about our coursework, but about ourselves. In addition to the really good education, UC provides ample opportunities for all students to become a student-leader and a well-rounded professional. I was elected as the President of the Indian Students’ Association at UC and the Environmental & Chemical Engineering Graduate Students’ Association for the academic year 2013-2014. I also became an International Ambassador for UC during this time. Working with the International office, I have been serving as a liaison between the new international students and the UC community. I also became an International Partner and Leader (iPAL) for UC International and have been assisting the international students in their transition from life in their home country to life on campus and in Cincinnati, ensuring an enriching experience. All these experiences eventually helped me get a part-time job on campus which I really loved. UC also has a program called RAPP or the Racial Awareness Program, from which I was able to learn about issues on social justice, social positioning, inclusive leadership, etc. Being somebody coming from a racially homogenous country, this experience was an eye opener and it inspired me a lot.
Why is all this important? – Programs like RAPP are important because you get to learn how to interact from various cultures and backgrounds. You gain the confidence to be an outgoing person, moving with a diverse group of people in the US becomes easy. Good grades can only take you so far. Employers look for ‘all-round professionals’ and people who can do well as team players. They look for a varied set of experiences and how well can you fit their team. Leadership experiences not only help you gain all these skills, they contribute towards your personal development in the long run. One door opens another. One contact gets you two more. The best part, you make so many fun memories.
Like I said, I have had an amazing time at UC and I am sure you all will also have an equally amazing time here. Given a chance, I’d be a student at UC forever. Haha. Go BearCats!