我叫Dnyanesh, 是一名来自印度的国际学生,正在辛辛那提大学修读物理和数学双学位。同时也是荣誉项目(UHP)的学生,并担任荣誉项目大使,以及服务于社区服务中心。
在完成CERN的项目之后,我发现我的热情更多的在于理论物理学:因此,我决定专注于理论物理研究。之后我便开始了两个研究项目:一个是跟进之前关于小组理论的荣誉经验,另一个是关于超对称量子场论实际问题研究的项目。在导师以及研究团队成员的指导和帮助下,我现在已经能够解决研究问题,而且很快会发布我们的研究成果! 该项目是由物理系MUSE夏季研究基金赞助实施的。除了能学到物理和数学的大量知识之外,还体验到团队协作与职业网络这些在职场中非常重要的技能。
当然,我在辛辛那提大学的经历不仅仅是参与本科研究,大学在其他方面还提供了丰富的资源。作为UHP的一员,我在大一时参加了LeaderShape Institute, 对于我来说是一生难忘而且塑造我三观的一次体验。
和一帮LeaderShape Institute成员在一起
LeaderShape Institute集体合影
在大二我作为(SI leader)补充教师教授大学物理,还通过Bearcat Buddies项目为当地的公立学校当志愿者教师。在学术方面,第5个学期我将会完成8门研究生水平的数学与物理课程。同时我还依据兴趣爱好修读了经济、心理学和钢琴。
同Bearcat Buddies的学生合影
UHP: University Honors Program,辛辛那提大学荣誉项目是由大学TOP7%最优秀的本科在读学生组成。荣誉项目的学生可以得到绝佳的学习机会,从学术、专业度以及个人成长上得到极大提升。荣誉项目的学生可以参加多种荣誉课程研讨会以及研究项目,如:社区活动、全球研究、领导力、调研、创新等。
CERN project:欧洲核子研究组织(法语:OrganisationEuropéenne pour la RechercheNucléaire;英语:European Organization for Nuclear Research,1954年9月29日-),通常被简称为CERN,是世界上最大型的粒子物理学实验室,也是万维网的发祥地。
MUSE:Mentored Undergraduate Summer Experience本科生夏季指导体验
LeaderShape Institute:优秀学生干部培训学院
Hi all!
My name is Dnyanesh, and am an international student from India. At UC, I am double-majoring in physics and mathematics, and am a part of the University Honors Program (UHP). I also work as an Honors Ambassador with the UHP, and as a Bearcat Buddy with the Center for Community Engagement.
UC is well-known as a good research university, and the Honors Program (UHP) here provides ambitious students with a wonderful set of resources. Being an aspiring theoretical physicist, I myself came to Cincinnati seeking the great physics and mathematics education and the undergraduate research opportunities that it had to offer.While I was expecting to get involved in undergraduate research in my second or third year, I was pleasantly surprised to see the wonderful opportunities that I received in the first year itself: towards the end of the Gateway to Honors class in the first semester, we had to write a mock proposal for self-designed honors experiences. I, along with many other students, made our proposals into actual projects, and that is how I got into undergraduate research. I worked on group representation theory and its applications to physics in the spring semester (2014). It was quickly followed by a particle physics data analysis project in the summer (2014) where I got to work with the real data from CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.What’s more, all these projects were funded for by the UHP!
After working on the CERN project, I realized that my real passion was theoretical physics: thus, I decided to focus on theoretical research. This led to two more research projects: one of them was a follow-up of the previous honors experience on group theory, while the second one involved an actual research problem related to supersymmetric quantum field theories. With the guidance of my advisor and others in my research group, I was able to solve the research problem, and we will soon be publishing our results! This project was funded by a generous MUSE summer research grant from the physics department. Apart from getting to learn a tremendous amount of physics and mathematics, I also got to experience collaboration and networking which are important aspects of the profession.
Of course, college experience is much more than undergraduate research, and UC has plenty to offer in other areas as well. As a part of the UHP, I attended theLeaderShape Institute in my freshman year - it was a memorable, perspective-shaping experience. This was followed in the second year by my stint as a Supplemental Instructor (SI leader) for a College Physics class. I have also been volunteering to tutor at the local public schools through the Bearcat Buddies program.On the more academic side of things, I will have finished some 8 graduate level math and physics classes by the end of my fifth semester (this is really a statement about how accommodating UC’s educational system is), but at the same time I was also able to study other interesting subjects like economics, psychologyand piano.
So, the bottom-line is that if you are willing to stretch yourself, then UC will help you reach excellent heights.I have been having a wonderful time here, and hope that you would consider this great opportunity as well!